Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nothing Exciting

Sorry you guys there just hasn't really been anything too terribly special going on. Although, I got baptized last Sunday. It was great! My friend, Samie, and my crew went to Austin for the week after that. Yeah, we had fun...did a little shoppin'...hehe. Jaycee has been sick for what seems like FOREVER!! But, she's finally getting better. I think that's really it. Maybe next time I'll have something more important to tell.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

October 3rd is the best day ever....

This is the cutest cake you've ever eaten! My two friends Samie and Chandy share the same birthday as me. Talk about some birthday fun!
This is Samie's fav. food. Girly loves her cake.
These are all the ladies-Brooke(my little sister), me,Samie,Chris, and Chandy.
My first time hangin' with my sister in forever. We had sooo much fun!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sleepover !!

Baylee had her first sleepover and boy was that interesting ! We stayed the night at my friend, Samie's, house. Her granddaughter, Addison, is 4. They played and watched movies like there was no tomorrow. I snapped this during the brief time Baylee would keep her clothes on. The child loves to be naked what can I say. All was great until bedtime. She wanted her bed so I had to hold her to sleep and she still ended up in bed with me. It was a blast except for the fact that Jaycee had fever and come to find out an ear infection. Everyone's better now and we can't wait 'til the next time.

Hot Air.....

We went to the hot air balloon festival last weekend. Baylee thought it was cool. I like to go because we always run into friends we haven't seen in a while.

We all went up for a ride too! It was awesome. The girls just looked around as if they were lost for a minute.LOL.
Well. Here Matt is trying to teach Baylee how to hit the ball. Very fun to watch! I don't know which was better...her trying to hit the ball or Matt trying to not get hit. She's definitely her father's daughter & loves to play outside.
Well. We all love milestones and Jaycee has finally made another one. She figured out how to sit up all by herself on the 13th. She loves it! She'll sit in the floor for hours just talking and playing with her toys.

Yummy Treats !

Here we are after Elmo at Cold Stone. The girls were so funny. Baylee loves to get all the attention she can and will go to any length to get it ! The perfect end to a perfect day I will say. She and Syd are two peas in a pod.

Been a While

It's been a while but I couldn't get my computer to upload any images to blog. Here's what you've missed.

We went and saw Elmo Makes Music a couple of weeks ago. It was My whole family and Sydnee and SanDee. We had fun. The girls just danced their little hearts away. Jaycee was the funniest. She nearly climbed out of Matt's lap trying to get down to the stage !